복잡한 조건의 데이터 SQL로 추출하기 예제1
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복잡한 문제는 무조건 최소로 작게 나누어 단계별로 해보는 연습을 해야 합니다.¶
참고 (등급)¶
G (general audiences): G ratings are most notable for what the films don’t include: sex and nudity, substance abuse, or realistic/non-cartoon violence.
PG (parental guidance): Some material may not be suitable for children. There may be mild strong language and some violence, but there will not be substance use or physical abuse.
PG-13 (parental guidance-13): Some material may not be suitable for children under 13. Any nudity has to be non-sexual and any swear words have to be used sparingly. Violence in PG-13 films may be intense, but must be bloodless.
R (restricted): No one under 17 admitted without an accompanying parent or guardian. This rating is given for strong and frequent language and violence, nudity for sexual purposes, and drug abuse.
NC-17 (no one under 17): This rare rating is given to films which feature mature elements in such profusion or intensity that it surpasses even the R.
Unrated: Typically reserved for previews of films not yet officially rated by the MPAA. A green title card indicates the preview is safe for all viewers, while red is for mature audiences.
문제 나누기1: 영화(film table)에 매겨진 등급(rating) 종류를 모두 출력하시요¶
SQL = "SELECT rating FROM film GROUP BY rating"
df = pd.read_sql(SQL, db)
문제 나누기2: 영화(film table)에서 영화가 PG 또는 G 등급인 영화 수를 출력하세요¶
- COUNT SQL 명령으로 WHERE 구문과 함께 써보기
SQL = """
SELECT rating, COUNT(*) FROM film WHERE rating = "PG" OR rating = "G" GROUP BY rating;
df = pd.read_sql(SQL, db)
문제 나누기3: 영화(film table)에서 영화가 PG 또는 G 등급인 영화 제목을 출력하세요¶
- SQL 명령으로 WHERE 구문과 함께 써보기
SQL = """
SELECT rating, title FROM film WHERE rating = "PG" OR rating = "G";
df = pd.read_sql(SQL, db)
문제 나누기4: 영화(film table)에서 영화가 PG 또는 G 등급이고, 2006년 또는 2007년에 만들어진 영화의 제목을 출력하세요¶
- SQL 명령으로 WHERE 구문과 함께 써보기
SQL = """
SELECT rating, title
FROM film
(rating = "PG" OR rating = "G") AND (release_year = 2006 OR release_year = 2007);
df = pd.read_sql(SQL, db)